How to add e-books to your business and generate extra income
Digital Products·Claire Mitchell·Jul 24, 2024· 4 minutes

E-books are good digital product to start with. They don’t involve you having to be brave and record things but you can still take your knowledge and turn it into income. They work for ANY type of business.

Just this week I’ve seen my students create e-books on taking care of tropical fish, how to trademark in your business, sleep journals, Menopause wellness trackers and more,

There are lots of types of e-books but the common factor is that they are a PDF that you can read on a phone, tablet or computer or even print off.

Some are like a course or mini-course in PDF form.

But you can also have e-book versions of novels, instruction books, non-fiction books, meal plans, wellness trackers, planners, journals, pattern books, scripts, recipes, workbooks, workflows, lesson plans, guide books, revision guides, transcripts, music, in fact pretty much anything you can think of.

You can add images. You can even add hyperlinks (weblinks) into a PDF so you could take someone from a description to a product on your website or a tutorial video on YouTube. And you can do all of this in the free version of Canva (and the paid version is even better).

And e-book prices can range from a few pounds or dollars upwards, depending on what it is. And the great thing is, it’s delivered automatically to your customer as soon as they pay.

If it’s a simple book of patterns or recipes it is usually under £10. A course or mini-course in e-book form might be in the £27-£97 range, or even more, depending on the topic and the author. The £10s quickly add up and before you know it, you could be making a nice little monthly income from your e-book.

And I’ll let you into a secret. 15 or so years ago I bought a course from a VERY well-known business coach at the time.

It was £1200, a HUGE investment and when she sent access…it was a big old PDF. No videos. Just a black and white PDF with a few images. I was mortified because that definitely wasn’t what I expected for £1200 and didn’t suit my learning style AT ALL. I’ll be honest, I complained and got my money back - so there ARE limits!

You can use Payhip or, both great starter software options to host and deliver your e-books, you can also create sales pages in both.

And you can sell them to existing customers, or have a whole other customer base just for your digital products.

You could, and I know this feels weird, even sell to your competitors! This does take a bit of reframing but if you’re really great at something in your business (especially if your business is a bricks and mortar business or involves selling your time) then you could set out your ‘system’ in an e-book and make money from it.

I’ve seen people do this with social media strategies for their specific business, or customer attraction strategies, rebooking strategies, all sorts and you might think ‘everyone knows that’ or ‘they can easily Google that’ but here’s the thing; We would always rather buy from a real person we can see in person or online, someone we feel we know, who is doing something well than a random stranger on the internet. (This is why it’s a great idea to develop your personal brand and build relationships with your audience.)

Also, it’s much easier to follow one person/expert’s system than try to piece it together from bits of information on YouTube.

Can you tell I love e-books? And I love them even more because they can bring in an extra income stream to your business. You create it once and you can sell it over and over, anywhere in the world, even in your sleep. I love passive income, don’t you?

So, hopefully you have a better idea now of what e-books are, how they work and whether you could make some extra money each month with one of your own.

Love, Claire xx

PS: You can even use e-books as freebies to help you grow your email list, my student Ruth did this for her decluttering business and has had over 5000 sign-ups!