Do you get 'RELAUNCH FLOP?
Do you know what I mean? When you have tons of energy during your first launch (plus a juicy early-bird discount) and when it comes to your next launch it feels a bit, well, flat?
You struggle to sell it in the same way at full price. You wonder if anyone will buy. Your mind monkeys tell you all your 'hot prospects' already bought and there is nobody else in your audience who needs it?
OK. Let's stop right there.
What do you have this time around that you didn't have the first time?
Actual people with actual feedback.
Success stories.
Real life examples of how your training worked.
This means you don't need a chunky discount, because you have proof that your course works and you need to tell those stories and shout about those successes.
If you want to add more excitement and energy without discounting, here are some ideas:
Do a 'How to Get Big Results' workshop' on a set day that is only for people joining by a certain date
Add a time-sensitive bonus like an extra mini workshop or one of your other classes/courses
Run a 'coaching week' in your membership and use that as a motivator to join (I've used this very successfully)
SAVE THIS BLOG to use next time you're ready to relaunch.
And let me know if it helps!
Love, Claire xx
Don't forget my ULTIMATE DONE-FOR-YOU LAUNCH KIT can help make your launches EASY: www.theultimatelaunchkit.com