The Road To Six Figures Can Be FABULOUS!

There’s a place where you can get ALL the support, encouragement, answers, AND CONNECTION you need to make your six-figure dreams as an online coach a true reality FASTER than you ever could on your own.

Welcome to that place! 

I’m Claire Mitchell and I’ve been in the marketing industry for decades now and it took me more time than I like to admit to hit my first six-figure year. 

Since I hit that stride, I’ve been repeating it yearly. 

The tale about hitting your first 100K being the hardest is true. 

But once you do it, it becomes your new norm. 

So, I’ve taken all the things that I do now and put them into one community where we learn, do, and grow together. Because not only is trying to grow a six-figure business tough if you don’t know what to do next, it can also be lonely. 

I don’t want it to be either for you. 

TARA (1)


Welcome to Six Figure Fabulous! 

I cannot WAIT to watch you grow and bloom in this space! 

Here’s what being here will help you do: 

Grow your audience WITHOUT the 3,459,864 missteps I made to get here, reducing the time it takes you to achieve the numbers you want

Uncover the RIGHT strategies that will work FOR YOU, without you having to try them all just to see what WON’T work

Access everything I’ve done that has worked, as well as what others are doing that is working so you can make empowered and supported decisions on what actions to take so you can FAST-TRACK hitting six figures in your business



I've given you my best-selling six-figure strategy course, SIX FIGURE IT OUT because it will give you the best foundation and a simple strategy to grow a six-figure business. This sold for £499 and you're getting it FREE with your membership.


We have a MASSIVE knowledge base so you have access to literally any training you need from growing your list to creative successful recurring income programs that make hitting six figures not only easy, but REPEATABLE. 


This space is NOT just about throwing up some courses and letting you wade through them as you like (because, honestly, how effective IS that??).

Six Figure Fabulous is a place for ACTION! And we’ve baked that into our process by offering 2 co-working sessions each month! (YAY for DOING! And NOT having to “DO” alone!)

We also have a place for you to request critiques and feedback on your offers, sales pages, and more! Simply apply for one of our regular audits and critiques and we’ll get you sorted! 

audience nurture elite josephine

But…”Claire, what about coaching”, you say?? 

We’ve got you covered there, too! Each month we hold a Monthly Business Clinic Call where you can ask questions and get the support you need on your six-figure path!

Community, too?? 

You’ll be joining alongside other ambitious women who will be your soft landing spot from your day-to-day busy-ness and noise. This will be your place to find support, inspiration, motivation, and kindred spirits.

You don’t have to grow alone. SIX FIGURE FABULOUS will be your new home, here to support your growth and ignite your spirit when things get tough.

Josephine Hughes

Jenny Sheridan

Don’t know how to get more people on your email list so you can sell to them?
Now you can get the answer!

Don’t know why your offer isn’t selling like hotcakes?
We can tell you so you can FIX it!

Want to start selling more high-ticket offers but aren’t sure how?
There’s a training for that!

Trainings You’ll Get Access To Inside Six Figure Fabulous:

  • Six-Figure Blogs
  • Six-Figure Content Plan
  • Six-Figure Funnels
  • Six-Figure Groups
  • Six-Figure List
  • Six-Figure Opt-Ins
  • Six-Figure Newsletters
  • Six-Figure Social Media
  • Six-Figure Traffic
  • Six-Figure Signature Systems
  • Six-Figure Tribe Leader
  • Six-Figure Webinars
  • Six-Figure Your Website
  • How to Create Masterclasses That Sell
  • How to Create an Awesome 30-Day Course
  • How to Create a Gorgeous E-Book 
  • Launch With No List
  • Successful Launch System
  • Tiny Audience to 10K Business
  • 10K in 5 Days
  • Audience Nurture System
  • Content Storage System
  • Content Upgrades
  • Endless Content Method
  • Facebook Video Ad Strategy
  • High-Ticket Pricing For Beginners
  • How to Price E-Books
  • Live-streaming & Repurposing
  • Make Back your Membership Challenge
  • Make Money with Done-For-You
  • Me Please Method
  • Mini-Masterclass Method
  • Money Loves Speed
  • One-Page Lead Magnets
  • Planning to Make Money
  • Sales Page Alternative
  • The Sell, Then Build Method
  • Virtual VIP Days

This is honestly one of THE best communities in this space and I’m SO excited to see everyone hitting their goals because they are no longer STUCK and they are hitting their six figure STRIDE with EASE

Join Six Figure Fabulous and access: 

  • 38 x Six-Figure Masterclasses
  • Six-Figure It Out - my best-selling six-figure strategy course
  • Collaboration Hub
  • Group Brainstorm opportunities
  • Monthly Co-Working Sessions
  • Monthly Six-Figure Strategy Session
  • Monthly Business Clinic call
  • Exclusive Community


All for only £97


Per month!

If you’d like, you can also Pay-In-Full for a whole year and get 2 Months FREE!




per year


Of all the courses and groups out there, why should you choose mine?

Because I have done what you’re trying to do…because I spend more time raising my family (and my chickens!) than I do working. Because I built my own six-figure business, The Girls Mean Business®, working part-time, around my now-teenage daughter, teaching other business owners how to create an online coaching business like mine!

Your dream six-figure business is here…just pick the membership level you want and click the button below to join now!


This is a no-contract membership so you can cancel any time, but we know that you, like the hundreds of women already inside, are going to LOVE having the answers you need to any question you can ask, the training on all topics that drive income, the collaboration opportunities that support growth and the peace of mind that it's NOT going to take you years to reach your goal. 

All for only £97


Per month!

If you’d like, you can also Pay-In-Full for a whole year and get 2 Months FREE!




Per year


Frequently Asked Questions

What if I can’t make the training calls?

No worries, they’re recorded! And you’ll be able to access them via any device at any time. 

Can I ask questions at any time in the group or does my question have to be chosen for the Monthly Business Clinic Call to get an answer?

You can ask your questions at any time in the group! The benefit of the Monthly Business Clinic Call is to get access to me and my feedback live on the calls.

I’ve been in business for 5 years, but I still haven’t hit the consistent income I want, is this for me?

It is ABSOLUTELY for you! We’ll help you problem-solve so you can stop doing what’s not working so you can focus on what does work.

I’m new to business, I don’t have an offer yet, is this for me?

1000000%! We have ALL levels of business owners inside and with my decades of experience in your corner, you’ll be able to create an offer that will actually SELL so you get to avoid all the mistakes most business owners make!

What if I find out this space is not really for me?

No worries! You can cancel at any time! But no refunds are offered once the membership fee is paid. So, please make sure you cancel 24 hours before your next payment date. 

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Every question has an answer

Every dream needs real action

Every business owner needs connection.


You get it ALL inside Six Figure Fabulous to help you make the consistent monthly income you want in your business.

You’re ready. So are we!

Welcome to YOUR FIRST SIX FIGURES in your business!