When I’m creating online classes, courses, e-books and even memberships I’m guaranteed to get buyers.


Because I never create anything until I’ve sold it.

I know that sounds weird but it’s true.

I’ve always done it this way and I’ve made a few million in the process, so it works!

Here’s how I do it.

  1. I come up with an idea (I have a little method I use)

  2. Then I float it.

  3. If it gets interest then I set up an order form.

  4. I market it like I mean it until I sell at least one.

  5. Then I create it.

I do this with everything from short classes to big chunky programmes (in fact my first ever sell, then build product was a big chunky 6-month programme).

Once I’ve created it I can sell it over and over again but I GOT PAID TO CREATE IT!

I’m sure you have questions. I think I’ve answered them all in my SELL, THEN BUILD training.

It’s just £27 and you can learn what I do and how I do it. I think you’ll like it and you get lifetime access, so you can watch it whenever you like, as often as you like (even offline in my Simplero app).